Site Policy

The website (hereafter referred to as "this Website") is operated by Japan Management Association (JMA) (hereafter referred to as "the Association").
Please read the following terms of use (hereafter referred to as "the Terms") carefully before you use this Website.

Copyright Ownership

This Website and material on this Website including but not limited to information, documents, images, graphics, videos, animations, audio, text and other materials (hereafter referred to as "the content") are subject to the copyright of the Association, excluding some of the content being subject to the copyright of third parties.

You may only use the content of this Website for your personal use or, unless otherwise permitted, to use under the copyright law. In addition, you may not reproduce, adapt, alter, publicly transmit, or sell it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the express written consent of the Association.

Trademark Ownership

All the trademarks, logos, and trade names used on this Website belong to the Association. You may not use, unless otherwise permitted to use under the trademark law and other laws, such trademarks, logos, and trade names without the express written consent of the Association.


Accessibility is defined here as ease of approach or accessibility. In telecommunications technology, accessibility refers to the degree to which various people can use information, services, and software, with special attention to the degree to which older people and people with disabilities can do so.

The Association has placed importance on securing the accessibility on this Website from the perspective of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and is fully committed to security issues surrounding the use and misuse of information.

Setting as its mission the providing of real new opportunities in business or methods of management improvement which result from innovation in information and telecommunications technology, the Association aims to make all its services usable for people with disabilities including older people, regardless of their situation or personal circumstances.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

In the pages on this Website that require you to input your personal information; the Association uses encrypted communication (https://) by means of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for the purpose of proving the existence of the Association and of protecting your personal information. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a computer networking protocol for securing communication over the Internet by encrypting and securing transmitted data. Please note that this Website may not function correctly or may not be displayed correctly if the browser which you use is not compatible with the SSL.


This Website uses JavaScript. When you deactivate certain functions of JavaScript in your browser, there may be cases where the content will not function correctly or not be displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript in your browser when you use this Website. Note: Use of JavaScript is enabled by default on a web browser in most cases.


This Website requires the following plug-in software to make it possible to use PDF files.
Adobe© ReaderTM

Links to this Website

This Website may contain links to third-party websites (hereafter collectively referred to as "Linked Sites") and any third-party website may contain links to this Website. In all cases, the Linked Sites and the third-party website that link to this Website are operated solely by each of such third-parties. The Association bears no responsibility for any inconvenience or damages incurred from the use of information acquired from the Linked Sites or from any third-party websites that link to this Website.

When you would like to link your website to this Website, please contact the Association by e-mailing your request to:

Please refrain from setting links such as frame links or image links which may obscure the fact that information is owned by the Association or may cause the viewer to misinterpret such information.

URL of this Website is subject to change without prior notice.

The Association makes no representations or warranties regarding the correctness, accuracy, performance or quality of any content found at any Linked Site. The Linked Sites are not provided as an endorsement by the Association of the content on such Linked Sites. Please use the Linked Sites after reading any applicable policies and terms and conditions of use, including but not limited to, the Linked Site's privacy policy.

Limitation of Liability

The Association makes no warranty of adequacy and accuracy of the content on this Website. The Association shall not be liable for any damages arising out of and relating to the access to the content on this Website, irrespective of whichever content is created by the Association or provided by any third party to the Association.

Please note that the Association may alter or suspend any or all the content or url contained in this Website without any prior notice. The Association shall not be liable for any damages arising out of and relating to any alteration of the content of this Website, or suspension or discontinuance of operation of this Website. The Association bears no responsibility for any damages or losses caused by the use of this Website.

Applicable Laws and Court of Jurisdiction

The laws of Japan shall be applied to the use of this Website and the implementation of the Terms herein. The user of this Website hereby irrevocably and expressly agrees that the Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first trial for any and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Website.