About JMA

Pioneering the future of management innovation
by connecting people and organizations
For the last 80 years, since its founding in 1942, the JAPAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (JMA) has been active as an organization dedicated to promoting management innovation.
"Efficiency," a term contained in the association's Japanese name, is the cornerstone of management and continues to be a major theme in corporate management today.
By pursuing a spirit of efficiency and implementing it in business,
JMA has focused on promoting management innovation centered on "people."
Every day, we strive to be half a step ahead of our times.
We listen to the voices of member companies participating in our Board of Directors,
Management Council and Boards of Councilors to identify the future direction of business.
The world is now entering an era when predicting the future is going to be increasingly difficult.
Innovation is what companies need in order to adapt to these uncertain times.
To achieve this, JMA can contribute its ability to "connect."
We connect people to people, people to organizations, organizations to organizations and build bridges across the world.
We create opportunities for people to gather and have a frank dialogue, regardless of country, region, company or position.
We believe that JMA's responsibility to Japanese industry is to "develop human resources, organizations and systems" in order to foster passion for innovation.
JMA will continue to fulfill its responsibility to Japanese industry as an organization dedicated to promoting management innovation, aiming to bring about a world and a society brimming with vitality and harmony.
Masami Nakamura
Japan Management Association